Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Labor Day Camping Trip

Chris & I spent the long weekend camping out at Ice House Reservoir (just West of Tahoe), along with two other families from our staff team (and, of course, Gavin). It was so restful, relaxing & beautiful!
I think we brought everything we own (including our queen-sized air mattress!), and definitely didn't miss any of the luxuries at home. Some call it car camping-- Chris called it Glamping. =)

A stone's throw from the campsite is this beautiful reservoir, as clear & clean & blue as you can imagine. We went down there in the afternoons to cool off & watch the dogs fetch sticks out of the water. We discovered that Gavin has an almost super-natural ability to pull objects onto shore that weigh 10 times as much as he does (as seen in the picture, where he is literally pulling a tree onto the shore!)

One day, we all hiked up to Desolation Wilderness, which was like nothing I had ever seen before-- miles upon miles of rock, and at the top 3 beautiful lakes so cold that my toes were numb after resting them in the water for a few minutes! It was a great (and tiring!) hike.

While we were up there, I felt the heaviness (mentioned in my last "posting") lift off of me, and not having a cell phone was actually really freeing. When we came back down the mountain, a bit of the sadness & heartache came back, and was heightened when we watched Little Children (which arrived via Netflix while we were gone). Great movie, but really depressing. Talk about brokenness.

This morning, I'm a little sore, a little sunburned, and the dog has literally been passed out since last night (his eyes are bloodshot, and he looks hung-over). Chris & I are resolved to go camping as much as possible from now on =)


Charlie said...

these photos are amazing! i wish we could've gone with you guys! were there mosquitos?

ChristineCPK said...

I didn't get a single bite! I'm tellin' you, this place is perfect!!