I have been waiting to send out an update until all the news was in, but I'm not sure when that will be. For now, here's the scoop: He had surgery the day after Thanksgiving. It went well, and the doctor felt that he got most of the cancer. We are waiting on the biopsy results to see if the cancer has spread, and if he will need to go on to radiation & chemotherapy.
He was supposed to get the results back on Friday, but the doctor couldn't make it to the appointment. The nurse told him that everything looked okay, but that there was a slight "glitch". Not to worry, she said-- she was sure everything would be fine. After a few questions, he learned that a "glitch" probably means the cancer has spread a little. It might mean radiation. It might mean a million things that one's brain can dwell on for ages. We just don't know until the doctor calls back. Grrrr. I hate glitches.
For now, though, he is at home, recovering well, and in good spirits. He plans on taking a walk today-- a pretty huge accomplishment for everything he's been through!
Keep praying! We really hope that this can be the end of the cancer scare, and that he won't have to go through chemo & radiation-- especially at that nasty hospital in Hollywood where he had his surgery. Maybe sometime I'll blog about Kaiser and my Dad's homeless, belligerent, painfully smelly roommate (this coming from someone who likes homeless people!), or the elderly woman they released from the hospital into the streets of Hollywood without notifying her family... but for now, I think I'll focus on the positive! =)
Keep praying!
oh wow....seems like an emotional roller coaster. you're going to hear today. no, you're not. the doctor's not in. he'll get back to you...uh when? sorry to hear about the delay and the glitch. i prayed for him this morning and will keep doing so!
I'm really sorry to hear about the 'glitch'. It must be tough not to think about it. Hopefully, it's probably just nothing.
I know how this expectation rollercoaster can be gut wrenching. I'll remember to pray for your dad when I do for mine. I know how important our connection is with our fathers. That is a beautiful pic of you dancing with your father. I know that is a precious memory.
I want to give you a big hug!
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