You guessed it: no car stereo (yet again).
Well, the good news is that 1) no windows were broken (I'm thinking the car was left unlocked accidentally), and 2) they stole this huge bag I've been meaning to take to Good Will for ages. So that saves me a trip to Good Will (ironic, isn't it?). The bad news is that they ripped the whole dash board off, and also stole all the knobs. Who steals air conditioner knobs? The savages.
The other surprise we got was when we woke up this morning to move the cars for street sweeping. Chris moved the Trooper (I haven't actually looked in to see what they did to my Baby-- I just can't bear it yet), and I got into the Jeep to move it.
Surprise! It wouldn't start.
Chris just spent an hour under the hood with our friendly neighbor, Eric, trying to get it to start, to no avail. I stood out there in the chilly morning with them for a while, feeling useless and very female (as I usually do on these occasions, which happen far too often). Finally, I asked if my moral support could still be felt from the house, and was sent back inside to blog and check my email.
But I digress. I am sad about our cars. I am sad when I think about the money we will spend to fix them. I'm also sad because I finally got the documents I had been waiting for to clear up the whole mess with my credit card & the collections agency-- and it turns out that I was wrong this whole time & that I really do owe them $700. Crap.
Sometimes it seems like our poor cars drive around with a "Kick Me" sign on their backs. I don't
So now, I can tell that it is time to practice my ritual of Thankfulness that comes every time I start to feel deprived & broke. Here goes: I have food. I have a great apartment. I have the most comfortable bed anyone could ask for (it was a glorious thing to finally lay down last night and breathe a long "I'm home" sigh). I have a wonderful family who loves me, and will never allow me to be homeless. And, the creme de la creme, I have the best hubby anyone could ask for. Who needs a Matrix? Who needs a car stereo? I'm sittin' pretty.
I've got rhythm, I've got music, who could ask for anything more?
(Actually, I have awful rhythm, and now that my stereo is gone, I don't really have a way to listen to my music, but still.. who could ask for anything more?)
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