We just got some photos from Uganda of our future homes! The women in the photos are the very same ones that we will be working with at Child Voice International-- women who were kidnapped as little girls, taken from their families, forced into prostitution, and who now have little babies strapped to their backs.
It was a sobering moment seeing these photos this morning. For the last several weeks, I have been thinking about our budget and support raising, and our itinerary. I had kind of forgotten about the actual women & children that we will be working with-- the reason why we're going.
It made me pause for a moment and say, "These women have actual faces and names and stories." It was so different from seeing a documentary or reading a news article or a book. These are women I will see and touch-- I will look into their eyes and hear their stories and hold their babies. They are building my home right now, sweating and working hard for something I will sleep in.
It is a very surreal and beautiful feeling. I'm really going to Africa, and those are the bricks that will make my home.
Wow! Incredible! I am glad I too get to see their faces... its going to be amazing.
wow, that little circle of dirt is going to be your home? EEeeek!
Truly, I am excited for you guys!
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