Cleverly disguised as a weekend, an entire 7-day-week slipped into my life over the last few days that aged me at least 20 years-- and all that without a De Lorean, 1.21 jigawatts, or a flux capacitor.
It's unfortunate that I don't get paid overtime, because, depending on how you slice it, Chris & I worked 49 1/2 hours between Friday and Sunday. Yikes.
Rather than a blow-by-blow replay (which would take far, far too long), I'll give you little snippets, some highlights & lowlights:
- Uganda Fund Raiser: We woke up at 5am, met some
students at Krispy Kreme, where we purchased 50 dozen donuts (yes, you read that correctly!) at a deeply discounted price, and set up shop downtown, selling them to business men & women as they rushed off to work.
- End of the Year Party: We put on a big celebration for all our students at a nearby coffee house. Good times were had by all-- it was a smashing success =)
- Lowlight: One of our students got her purse stolen during the fund raiser. She had an ipod, a digital camera, a brand new cell phone and $100 cash in there. Somehow, the $500 we made from the donuts didn't quite seem to make up for her losses =(
- Interns: Our team of interns for next year spent the day with us, and we toured them around town, talked about our ministry, and planned for the future. It was a great day (extremely tiring, but really great), and we couldn't be more excited about our team
- Highlight: Seeing the three of them connect as if they had been friends their whole life
- Tour De Cure: Woke up at
4am and drove up to Napa for a fund raiser bike ride with one of our major donors on our Bay Area Development Council. Since Chris & I are going to be the new directors, this was a great chance to get to know June, one of the head haunchos who makes our ministry possible (and wanted support for the 100 mile bike ride). I was the support vehicle, meeting them along the way to cheer them on & take unwanted gear, while Chris was the champ who rode with her and helped her along.
- Development Council Meeting: After rushing home from the race, we made it 1 1/2 hours late to the Development Counsel Meeting (which was at June's house, so we were forgiven), and shmoosed with the big wigs over dinner.
Lowlight: Our new new neighbors upstairs had a party Saturday night that lasted until 3am. I think they were clogging or doing the River Dance by the way they were stomping on the hardwood floors (i.e. our bedroom ceiling). Waking up at 4am was extremely painful.
- Lowlight: I think my body is starting to rebel against the schedule/stress I've been putting it through lately. Sunday afternoon, all the muscles in my neck & shoulders cramped up into a massive headache, and I suddenly got heartburn that almost brought tears to my eyes. Luckily, that only lasted about an hour, and I was functional the rest of the day.
- Highlight: Discovering Napa was one of the biggest highlights of my weekend. Following the bike course, I drove through some of the most beautiful landscapes: vineyards resting in sleepy fog, a canopy of green, green tress overhanging the road, rolling hills, quaint towns... I'm in love. I've decided to take up cycling, too (and to ride that same course, eventually!).
- The Ultimate Highlight: When we arrived at the
Development Council Meeting, a platter of incredible cheese, fruit and unbelievable wine welcomed me with open arms. Then, a prime rib dinner (and more unbelievable wine) soothed me, stroking my hair and whispering, "There, there. Everything is going to be alright." A giant slice of chocolate cake smiled and told me "You made it!", and lulled me to sleep. There's nothing like a big prime rib band aid to patch up the cuts & bruises of a painful weekend.
Yes, I looked like a Mac truck hit me this morning (I literally laughed out loud when I looked in the mirror), but I know that the worst is over, and that tomorrow will be glorious & gluttonous.
Might I add that I'm really proud of my hubby for riding that 100 miles on about 3 hours of sleep, while winning over one of our fabulous (and very sweet) donors.
ps. Great pics on Chris' blog from the weekend
thanks for filling in the holes in my blog. let's take a nap
you guys are amazing! you definitely deserve a day off tomorrow (or a week off...ha ha). awesome pic of your new team next year....that's SO fun! :)
that's the best post ever!
sweet pic.
get some rest.
I'm exhausted just thinking about your weekend but at least you got to see the wine country! The meal sounds pretty good too. Next time, try French Laundry (but bring a suitcase of $)
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