Now imagine you are walking down the street and hundreds of dollar bills are littered on the ground. Now what would you do?
I encountered a similar situation the other day that left me unsure. Sometimes there can be too much of a good thing...
I am one of those people who walks along the beach with my nose to the sand, searching for tiny treasures. God help me if, someday, I end up with a metal detector & a bucket. I'm not looking for diamond rings, or anything of actual value, but I have always hoped to find a perfect sand dollar.
The beach that we often take our mangy mutt to always has interesting treasures. One day, as we walked along the shore, I discovered millions-- literally millions of lady bugs on the sand,
Another time, we discovered endless pieces of ruptured jelly fish. One jelly fish washed up on the shore is interesting (in a slightly morbid way), but miles of clear, slimy gel is just gross.
But Tuesday-- Tuesday as Chris & I walked along the beach & watched Gavin play in the waves, we discovered not one, but hundreds of perfect, whole sand dollars! I could hardly contain myself! After picking up a handful, I stopped and wondered, What am I going to do with a handful of sand dollars?
When I realized I could bring home several bucketfuls, two things happened:
2) One perfect, whole sand dollar is special-- but what about hundreds? It no longer seemed like such a treasure. And besides, where am I going to put a hundred sand dollars? Do I want to be that old lady that collects shells & miniature porcelain dogs, displaying them in window sills, atop lacy doilies?
In the end, I brought home about 10 perfect, beautiful, unique sand dollars. Somehow, one still seems more special than 10, but I just couldn't stop myself. And I guess there's a small lesson for me there in simplicity & contentment. I don't need 10 when one is enough. As Americans, we live in such abundance-- food, clothes, entertainment...Oh that I would learn take only what I need, and to be content with what I already have.
i like it.
I was actually thinking about similar things this morning- despite my love, love, love for the city I often feel that I am overwhelmed with its abundance and I realize my own greediness in 'needing' to have so many options- but maybe that i why I love this city because it challenges me
btw: I am jealous- I have never found a perfect sand dollar!!
"There is always a sense of limitlessness in desire" Simone Weil
i could break a bunch of them, then you'd only have 1 left :)
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