Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Last Words

I'm not sure, but this might be that last time I'm able to get online for a while.

We will be leaving Lukodi early Tuesday morning, head out for our safari, and then spend a few days in Kampala debriefing.

Things are going better with our team, and I have had so many great conversations with students over the last few days. Please keep praying for health-- it continues to be an issue for many students (and staff-- although Chris & I are doing well) and after multiple tests, some can't figure out exactly what's wrong with them.

I forgot to mention this before, but I have a cell phone, and would welcome any loving phone calls or texts from home =)

The # is 001-256-77-577-2217

We are 10 hours ahead of California time (an easy way to figure it out is to subtract 2 hours from your time & switch am/pm)

Thanks for your prayers! 


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to hear your team is doing better. I'm even happier to know there's a light at the end of the tunnel (Tuesday). I will call you at the number you gave.

Charlie said...


Looking forward to seeing you and Chris and hearing all about your adventures in person!!

We just got back from a month in Europe which was overall really good, and now I'm back to the job hunt.

Miss you guys!