Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I got a phone call this morning from The Powers That Be down at our regional offices, and it looks like we just might be going to Africa this summer!!

I can hardly wrap my mind around it. We will (again, probably-- not quite for sure, yet!) be spending about 5 weeks in Uganda this summer, leading a team of college students to help rehabilitate child soldiers.

This has been a dream brewing for over a year now, and it seems like it's actually coming together. But now that it is materializing, my mind stops skimming over the big, romantic picture and rests on details. Details like:
  • mosquito nets
  • bugs, snakes, germs, bugs, and bugs
  • third-world toilets (enough said)
  • crazy, weird food (and the fact that I am hypoglycemic, and have a sensitive stomach)
  • our housing/sleeping arrangements (unknown, but possibly pretty, um, simple)
  • jet lag
  • leading a team of students who will whine about the things on this list even more than me
On top of all of that is the reality of how incredibly difficult it's going to be to hear these children's stories, to see their pain, and to try (somehow) to help them through it.

It is beautiful to think about coming alongside Jesus like that-- but it is also very sobering. I feel very small-- excited, but very small.


deee said...

that is so exciting! and it's your job!

Alex said...

Whoa! How amazing! That's going to be the opportunity of a lifetime! I'm so excited for you!

*Whitney* said...

AHHHH!!! I'm so excited for you! I've been a'prayin for this!